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hands holding the earthMorning of Prayer:
Healing of the Pandemic

September 25, 2021
9:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
*Online Only using Zoom Platform*


Contemplative Outreach San Antonio invites you to join us as we unite in prayer to heal our world of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We will pray for the victims of COVID-19; for their families, friends, and co-workers; for those who continue to suffer from the effects of the pandemic; and for the eradication of COVID-19 and all its variants.

The morning of prayer will include periods of Centering Prayer and prayerful intentions of losses and challenges resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic. Our prayers for healing the world of this pandemic will remain our intention as we enter the silence during the periods of Centering Prayer.

Robin Ann Dominguez

The morning of prayer will be facilitated by Robin Ann Dominguez, obOSB. Robin Ann is a member of the COSA Servant Leadership Team and a recent graduate of the Oblate School of Theology’s Forest Dwelling Program: A Spirituality of Aging. Centering Prayer has been a major component of her prayer practice for over 20 years. She is married and has two adult children.


To review the Centering Prayer method,  download a Centering Prayer Brochure from Contemplative Outreach.

This is a free, online event.  Participants must register to receive an invitation link. 

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